You can also download the Jiveasy mobile app to your phone from the Apple App and Google Play stores.

Jiveasy - COVID Entry Policy

Government advice in July said "As a matter of social responsibility we're urging Nightclubs to make use of the NHS Covid pass which shows proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or natural immunity as a means of entry". 

Revised Government advice on the 17th November states "You are at risk of catching or passing on COVID-19 in crowded or enclosed spaces, where there are more peope who mght be infecctious and there is limited fresh air. You may wish to take a lateral flow test  if it is expected there will be a period of high risk that day. This includes spending time in crowded spaces..."

In order to comply with the Government Covid guidelines for Nightclubs and minimise risk for our Dancers, Jiveasy are asking you to provide the following two proofs:-


1. Proof of Covid vaccinations, natural immunity, or exemption by showing your NHS Covid pass or NHS Letter. NB The blue appontment card issued for vaccination appointments is not valid.                                                                              

2. Proof of a negative test that day by showing NHS official text message or email.

In addition we will scan your temperature on arrival.


Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell (even if it's just a cold) have been asked to isolate, or know that you have come into contact with someone who has, or may have, Covid.

In the Room

There will be hand sanitizer available around the room, but please also bring your own in your dance bag just in case.

You may wear an orange wrist band if you only wish to dance with your fixed partner and do not want to be asked to dance by others.


When you are dancing with us in our Dance Hall you are welcome to wear a mask if you wish, although this is not compulsory. A mask will be needed when using the toilets and public areas of our Venues.

Dancing is not without risk and we cannot guarantee everyone's safety however we are doing our very best.


How do I get Lateral Flow Test kits?

You can order rapid lateral flow test kits to be sent to your home or to collet from your pharmacy. Order rapid lateral flow home test kits here

How do I register the Lateral Flow Test result?

Report your COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result on GOV.UK here 

If you cannot use an online service you may call 119 to register your result.(you need to press option 1 to get to the test and trace service)

Q&A from the NHS website:-

How can I get a vaccine passport if I have had both doses of vaccine?

[At the end of this video it also shows how to get a covid pass without using the App. so do watch to the end as, if you have been vaccinated, you can also obtain a covid pass by calling the NHS on 119 without using the apps, or from their website here.]

People in England can do this by requesting an NHS Covid Pass via the NHS website or the main NHS app. [NB not the NHS Covid-19 App]

Once logged in, an NHS Covid Pass can be requested. The system generates a QR code, which lasts for 28 days.

An NHS Covid Pass can be obtained two weeks after a second dose of the Covid vaccine, as long as both doses were given in England.

People who have had both their jabs can also request an NHS Covid Pass letter by calling 119

How can I get a vaccine passport if I have had not both doses of vaccine?

A pass can be requested if you've had a negative PCR test or lateral flow test result within the past 48 hours, which you have reported on the NHS website or NHS Covid-19 App. These passes last 48 hours after the test result.

How can I get a vaccine passport if I have had not both doses of vaccine but have had the Covid Virus?

A pass can be given following a positive PCR test result within the last six months, and when self-isolating has finished. The pass lasts for 180 days after the test result.

People who have had both their jabs can also request an NHS Covid Pass letter by calling 119. This only shows vaccination status and has no expiry date.